Customs BootCamps

Customs Training can be delivered in one of two ways, the first is to look at attending a course designed for Customs Brokers (see below) or the second, which is to have a specific request for a type of product that you sell so sector specific BootCamps to help you understand the nuances of your product or offering. These range in prices depending on size of project however, most attract grant funding at the moment so do talk to us and let’s see what you need?

On 1st January 2021, customs entries will need to be completed for goods moving to and from the EU. This equates to a potential 250m consignments which will require processing, providing a huge opportunity for both new and existing customs agents.

With government grant funding available for training, software and recruitment, there is no better time to understand the technical and operational requirements.

Our customs broker bootcamps are designed by experts in the customs and forwarding sector to provide comprehensive and practical training, covering knowledge, operation and setup considerations.

The training is also aimed to ensure businesses moving forward with offering clearing solutions work to HMRC AEO-C standard, laying the foundations for successful application status upon operation.

Our Customs Broker BootCamp is delivered in one-day sessions and can be made into a full 5 day course to attract a discount or simply as a one day catch up on the skills you need to manage through to 2021!

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    1. Process Overview

    This session covers pre-arrival and presentation of cargo at UK ports, including how import and export declarations are made at both inventory linked and non-inventory linked UK ports. We also discuss systems such as CHIEF/CDS and clearance route codes and associated actions.

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    2. Software & CSP

    Recommendations on software and CSP badge selection, and associated cost implications. This includes demonstrations of CHIEF, software, Destin8 and CNS Compass operations.

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    3. Customs Declaration Completion

    A focused day on completion of the SAD/C88 focusing on exports in the morning and imports in the afternoon. Key fields required, what instructions you should hold from importers and exporters, how import taxes are paid and monitoring CHIEF/CDS messaging. We also cover differences in claiming cargo depending on mode of transport.

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    4. Complex Goods

    A number of products are subject to controls in addition to the customs entry requirements. Some controls are linked to the declaration, such as import and export licensing. Other goods require subsequent declarations to authorities such as Port Health and Forestry Commission. We cover how to understand which goods are subject to these controls and cover how additional systems such as TRACES are used to make declarations.

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    5. Best Practice, Simplifications & Special Procedures

    This session focuses on the available special procedures and reliefs which are designed to suspend or waive import taxes. These include customs warehousing, inward and outward processing, transit, temporary admission and end use. We then discuss customs simplified procedures which are available, before covering entry auditing, record keeping and best practice. We finish with a summary of the key steps to follow before going live.

We believe this is a unique training programme which comprehensively covers the practical aspects of offering customs clearance solutions, from setup considerations to operational solutions.

Total course costs £1,500 per day if booked individually or £6,000 if booking for the full 5 day programme – this will include full support from expert tutors and workbook support during the COVID 19 Zoom workshops will be held.

Customs Grant Funding & Application
Training is eligible for customs intermediary grant funding. At Export Bootcamps we are experienced in assisting clients through the application process.

Customs Broker BootCamps - Pricing

Single Module


Choose any individual module:

      1. Process Overview
      2. Software & CSP
      3. Customs Declaration Completion
      4. Complex Goods
      5. Best Practice, Simplifications & Special Procedures

Full 5-Week Course


All five modules, covered over the course of five weeks.

The full course comprehensively covers the practical aspects of offering customs clearance solutions, from setup considerations to operational solutions.



£350 + VAT

1-day virtual workshops with access to interactive workbooks and 20% discounts on ICC publications.


Customs Clinics

first 30 mins free

A complete tailored support package, free of charge for the first 30 minutes.


from £750 + VAT

Bespoke consultancy (half days available) – you achieve so much more one-to-one.

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